If you would like to deepen your faith, grow in community with other 18-35 years olds as well as
engage more fully in your parish then the brand-new Young Adult Formation Course run by the
Diocese of Nottingham is the course for you. For info contact
charles.archer@dioceseofnottingham.uk or sign up at: https://forms.office.com/e/9qvH5SjRHh
Bishop Patrick warmly invites all married couples to St Barnabas Cathedral on Sun 16th Feb
when we will celebrate Mass at 3.00pm to mark the Jubilee of Marriages. The Bishop will lead a
Renewal of Vows during the Mass, impart a special Jubilee Blessing & afterwards host a
Reception in Cathedral Hall. All married couples & their families are welcome to attend, especially
those recently married & those celebrating significant anniversaries this Jubilee year
Faith and Footprint: Caring for Creation. Join the next online diocesan workshop Mon 17th Feb
at 7pm & find out about: Why this & every Jubilee Year is an invitation to ecological conversion.
The Laudato Si Animators' formation programme starts on Mon 28th April-details at
The national walking Jubilee Pilgrimage of Hope which converges on Nottingham Cathedral in
Practical ideas for reducing our parishes' environmental footprint and its buildings. Book now at
Diocesan Roadshows, Feb 2025. The Parishes in the Deaneries of Leicester & Loughborough-
Tues 25th Feb, 7:00pm-9:00pm, Mother of God Church Hall, Leicester LE3 6NZ
Fri 28th Feb Bishop Patrick will celebrate Mass at Saint Barnabas Cathedral at 10pm for
Young Adults (18-35) making use of the beautiful lighting in the Cathedral for ‘Nottingham Night
Light’. If you would like to support the Mass in any way, e.g. reading, serving, welcoming, then
please contact charles.archer@dioceseofnottingham.uk
You Can Help Your Marriage – Do you feel alone? Are you frustrated/angry with each other? Do
you argue or have you stopped because it only makes it worse? Retrouvaille has helped 10s of
1000s of couples experiencing difficulties in their marriage. For confidential information about the
next programme which will be presented on Zoom, Thurs 27th Feb – Sun 2nd March please
email: info@retrouvaille.org.uk tel: 07887 296983, or visit www.retrouvaille.org.uk
Fr Matthew Blake, OCD will offer a weekend-Fri 14th – Sun 16th March, exploring the life &
teachings of Edith Stein, or St Teresa Benedicta of the Cross & her indomitable search for truth
that led her to the Catholic faith. More information & to book:
The UK's largest Catholic youth event, Flame's Unstoppable, is on Sat 15th March at
London's Wembley Stadium. The Diocesan Youth Service is offering young people an opportunity
to be involved, with tickets & return coach travel packages. Information: ndcys.com/events-and-
opportunities/ or email michelle.thomas@ndcys.com
A Retreat for married couples on ‘The Four Disciplines of a Family’ will take place on Sat 15th
March 11.00am - 3.00pm. Mike & Alicia Hernon, founders of the Messy Family Podcast are
coming all the way from Ohio, USA to lead this Retreat. See the link below for details.
Sat 22nd March, Youth2000 is running a day retreat for all young adults (18-35) at The Briars,
Crich, DE4 5BW. Will include lunch & dinner, inputs, prayer, & Mass with Bishop Patrick.
https://youth2000.churchsuite.com/events/eo9c6nuj & information contact: